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New pilot study showing favorable effects of modified mediterranean ketogenic diet

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:29 am
by circular
Modified ketogenic diet is associated with improved cerebrospinal fluid biomarker profile, cerebral perfusion, and cerebral ketone body uptake in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease [Pilot; n=20]
All participants had improved metabolic indices following MMKD. MMKD was associated with increased cerebrospinal fluid Aβ42 and decreased tau. There was increased cerebral perfusion and increased cerebral ketone body uptake (11C-acetoacetate PET, in subsample) following MMKD. Memory performance improved after both diets, which may be due to practice effects. Our results suggest that a ketogenic intervention targeted toward adults at risk for Alzheimer’s may prove beneficial in the prevention of cognitive decline.
This is the first I've heard of an '11C-acetoacetate PET' to measure ketone uptake, but I'm sure it's not the first it's been used.

Re: New pilot study showing favorable effects of modified mediterranean ketogenic diet

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:34 am
by circular
I should add that I found this by searching expertscape to see, using their metrics, who would be the top Alzhiemer's researchers in the world. Henrik Zetterberg comes out at the top and this paper was listed among those he helped publish. Cunnane of ketone fame was also involved with this paper. I take this to be a good sign that researchers 'at the top' are paying attention.