A Longitudinal study supports controlling glycemic markers from midlife

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Julie G
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A Longitudinal study supports controlling glycemic markers from midlife

Post by Julie G »

Repeated studies have shown that midlife elevated cholesterol is correlated with LOAD, but to my knowledge glycemic markers have never been concurrently studied from a longitudinal perspective. A new study correlated midlife TC, HDL, TGs, glycemic markers & insulin resistance as measured by HOMA-index with cognitive decline with periodic follow-ups at 7 and 20 years later. Only glycemic markers and HOMA-Index scores were found to reliably predict cognitive decline.

Midlife Metabolic Profile and the Risk of Late-Life Cognitive Decline
http://content.iospress.com/articles/jo ... /jad170153
Abstract: Among metabolic syndrome components, the effects of higher plasma glucose levels on cognitive decline (CD) have been considered in few studies. We evaluated the associations among midlife glycemia, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, midlife insulin resistance [homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-index)], and CD in the older subjects of the population-based MICOL Study (Castellana Grotte, Italy) at baseline (M1) and at follow-ups seven (M2) and twenty years later (M3). At M1, a dementia risk score and a composite cardiovascular risk score for dementia were calculated. For 797 subjects out of 833, we obtained a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score at M3, subdividing these subjects in three cognitive functioning subgroups: normal cognition, mild CD, and moderate-severe CD. Mean fasting glycemia at baseline was significantly higher in moderate-severe CD subgroup (114.6±71.4 mg/dl) than in the normal cognition subgroup (101.2±20.6). Adjusting for gender, age, and other metabolic components, higher fasting glycemia values both at M1 [odds ratio (OR) = 1.31; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.08–1.59] and M2 (OR = 1.26; 95% CI: 1.01–1.57) were associated with an increased risk of moderate-severe CD. Mean HOMA index value was significantly higher in the moderate-severe CD subgroup (5.7±9.4) compared to the normal cognition subgroup (2.9±1.4) at M1. The dementia risk probability (MMSE < 24) increased moving through higher categories of the dementia risk score and decreased as long as the cardiovascular score increased. The present findings highlighted the indication to control blood glucose levels, regardless of a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, as early as midlife for prevention of late-life dementia.
From full-text, the authors conclude with a public health warning:
In summary, the present findings highlighted the indication to control blood glucose levels, regardess of a diagnosis of DM, as early as midlife for prevention of dementia in late life. These findings may have relevant implications for public health, as the risk of dementia could be reduced identifying “at risk” individuals and controlling glycemia and other vascular factors through early lifestyle modifications. It could be worthy to give particular attention in 466 controlling glycemia within the normal range.
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Re: A Longitudinal study supports controlling glycemic markers from midlife

Post by Bettylacy »

Great article, Julee. More confirmation that midlife high blood glucose levels are idetermining increase in cognitive decline. HOw important to educate and be aware of these risks in midlife and get the word out to the world to decrease sugar intake, which includes

From governent study: Two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year. In 1970, we ate 123 pounds of sugar per year. Today, the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week! So much for Frosted Flakes, sugar pops and koolaid- my 60's favorites.
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Re: A Longitudinal study supports controlling glycemic markers from midlife

Post by Jan »

I heard on the news recently that two DC pastors are suing Coca Cola and the American Beverage Association for knowingly deceiving customers about the health risks of sugar-sweetened beverages. Per this reference https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4814119/ "...binge sucrose drinking has been shown to repeatedly elevate dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens."

No wonder that Raspberry Almond Thumbprint Cookie has a bullseye on me!
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Re: A Longitudinal study supports controlling glycemic markers from midlife

Post by progranulindefect »

Dr. Richard K Bernstein has proposed a mechanism by which sustained elevated blood sugars lead to dementia. dr bernstein advocates an A1c of 4.2 to 4.6. i always thought most any A1c below the prediabetic 5.6 was fine. however, i reduced my a1c from 5.9 in 2009 to 5.7 in 2010, and then 5.1- 5.4 thereafter and i now have very obvious problems with short term memory at 52 yo. i also have the additional problem of on and off again anemia. all my other metabolic markers are good except for gaining weight on my abdomen. i now am going to shoot for at least an a1c of 4.9. my fasting blood sugars are always normal. because i am very carbohydrate intolerant, i will basically be eating meat/fish/eggs, nuts, olive oil and vegetables. but now i am scared enough to actually do it.
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