Abbreviations and acronyms

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Here is a list of abbreviations, contractions, acronyms, and the like frequently seen at

AD -- Alzheimer’s disease.

ALA -- alpha lipoic acid.

ALA -- alpha-linolenic acid (a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid).

APOE -- This isn't an abbreviation, it's the actually name of the gene that codes for the protein Apolipoprotein E (though the name derives from an abbreviation of the protein). It is written using all caps, and is italicized.

APOE-ε2 -- The ε2 (epsilon-2) variant of the APOE gene, which makes apolipoprotein E2.

APOE-ε3 -- The ε3 (epsilon-3) variant of the APOE gene, which makes apolipoprotein E3.

APOE-ε4 -- The ε4 (epsilon-4) variant of the APOE gene, which makes apolipoprotein E4.

apoE -- apolipoprotein E.

apoE2 -- apolipoprotein E2.

apoE3 -- apolipoprotein E3.

apoE4 -- apolipoprotein E4.

CAD -- coronary artery disease.

CR -- calorie restriction. A reduction in the energy content of a diet without a concomitant reduction in (other) essential nutrients.

CVD -- cerebral vascular disease.

DHA -- docosahexaenoic acid (an omega-3 component of fish oil).

EOAD -- early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

EPA -- eicosapentaenoic acid (an omega-3 component of fish oil).

FA -- fatty acid.

FAD -- Familial Alzheimer’s disease.

HFLC -- high-fat, low-carb.

IF -- intermittent fasting.

LFHC -- low fat high carb.

LOAD -- late onset Alzheimer’s disease.

MCI -- mild cognitive impairment.

MetS -- metabolic syndrome.

MUFA -- monounsaturated fatty acid.

PUFA -- polyunsaturated fatty acid.

SFA -- saturated fatty acid.

TBI -- traumatic brain injury.